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포르쉐 세계의 모든 것에 관한 이번 호 기사들을 온라인으로 한 눈에 둘러볼 수 있습니다.
다시 찾아올 가치가 있는 곳. 2주에 한 번씩 새로운 기사들이 온라인으로 게재됩니다.
자세히 보기갤러리
The Porsche Panamera Turbo on the former Solitude racetrack
Photographer Martin Schoeller (right) takes photos of Brandon Hartley (left)
Uwe Wabra, Senior Design er in the LEGO Technic Team (left), Andreas Preuninger, project head of motorsport and GT road cars (right)
John Baekelmans, Chief Technology Officer at Cisco
Perfumer Alexandra Carlin
Ilustration Porsche Connect
Matt Hummel with his Porsche 356 A 1600 (1956)
Thomas Park in front of the Porsche platz with the sculpture "Inspiration 911"
Course section of the Schauinsland hill-climb racetrack
Steve McQueen (left), Siegfried Rauch (right)