Porsche - Stay on Track!
Stay on Track!


Porsche is the most successful manufacturer of exclusive sports cars and has an outstanding reputation. This success is based on the desirability of the vehicles, but equally importantly, due to its unique corporate culture that is shaped by integrity and compliance. And it should stay that way. All board members, members of the management bodies, managers and employees make their own contributions every day according to the motto:
Sporty and fair - that's typical Porsche.

Integrity in Business Life

Porsche stands for strong values such as fairness, responsibility, mutual respect and trust, transparency and openness, and acting ethically. These values apply to the way managers and employees treat themselves among each other as well as to their contact with customers, business partners, and public authorities. Only by adhering to these values can long-term business relationships be established and maintained, conflicts be resolved openly, mistakes be rectified in a solution-oriented manner, and trust in leadership and reliable cooperation be ensured.

Whistleblower System

Porsche rejects all forms of corruption, cartelization, money laundering or any other white-collar crime and does not tolerate any unlawful behavior by employees or other third parties like customers or business partners. Porsche has set up a whistleblower system for the submission of tips of potential violations by Porsche employees. Submitting tips, helps Porsche to prevent damage to the company and to identify misconduct.

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Human Rights

비즈니스 및 인권: 다양한 사람들의 포개어진 손 클로즈업.

우리에게 인권 존중은 책임 있는 기업 거버넌스의 기본 요소입니다. 우리의 목표는 우리 회사와 비즈니스 파트너 모두에서 인권이 존중되는 것입니다. 다음 버튼을 통해 인권 및 환경 관련 불만 사항을 제출할 수 있습니다.

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