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Porsche , MHP and Munich Re found the “FlexFactory”
Digital Production as a Service
. The sports-car manufacturer
It thus enables customers from the manufacturing industry to implement innovations or article variants faster and more efficiently than in the traditional production process, and with less capital input. There is great demand for such solutions: manufacturers from a wide range of variant-rich industries (e.g. the automotive, clothing or packaging industries, etc.) face the challenge of taking into account increasingly individualised customer needs while shortening product life cycles – without ignoring the business risks associated with this transformation for their own balance sheets. After all, more innovation goes hand in hand with higher investment needs. At the same time, conventional production plants also have high fixed costs for small quantities. The FlexFactory addresses these challenges and the associated market potential by showing the way to a more flexible, economically calculable production landscape in cost-efficient structures and, if required, by accompanying its implementation in concrete customer projects.
For this, its offerings combine the respective core competencies of the partners involved on a common platform:
In the medium term, integration of further technology partners on the open FlexFactory platform is conceivable and desirable in keeping with the concept of an open production ecosystem. The concept was tested by the partners over the last few months in the context of a concrete implementation scenario in
The shareholders in FlexFactory GmbH are
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Estão disponíveis informações mais detalhadas sobre o consumo de combustível e as respectivas emissões de CO2 dos novos veículos no sítio da ACAP.