MSA Medical for Licensing and ECG Stress Test
MSA Medical for Licensing and ECG Stress Test
What type of medical do I require?
First time applicants 18 years and over applying for a car, truck or Kart (not Kart Clubman) racing licence will be required to pass a medical examination.
Aged over 45 you will be required to pass an annual medical examination. A stress ECG is also required for competitors over the age of 45 and is valid for two years and will need to be subsequently undertaken alongside the licence application in the third year.
International grades of competition licence will also be required to pass an annual medical examination. International competition licences incorporate a FIA Medical Certificate of Aptitude, and every two years for applicants under 45 a 12-lead ECG. For international licence applicants 45 years of age and over must include a stress related ECG. The Stress ECG is valid for two years and will need to be subsequently undertaken alongside the licence application in the third year.
Available Dates
Medical examinations will be taking place on selected Saturdays throughout the year. For more information on our next medical testing dates and their availability, please contact us here.
Costs (Including VAT)