Porsche Direct Dialogue Bay

Porsche Direct Dialogue Bay

Get to know your Porsche from another perspective.
How about from underneath? The Porsche direct dialogue bay.

Making high performance visible. Experience your vehicle live and from every perspective. This is the idea of the Porsche direct dialogue bay. Together with your service advisor, you can examine all important vehicle components using a detailed checklist (4-Steps-Check) and determine the scope of the work to be performed. This way, you will be well-informed about the condition of your Porsche and know the cost of service or repair in advance. Your service advisor will be happy to let you know about the additional offers available at your Porsche Centre. When was transparency ever so inspiring?

The 4-Steps-Check

1. Step

Body condition check for damages (e.g. dents, scratches, stone chips).

We can thus ensure that your Porsche remains in perfect condition for as long as possible.

2. Step

Examination of the interior (e.g. horn, lighting, warning in instrument cluster, engine oil level).

To ensure that each component of the interior remains well-conditioned and fully functional – just as you would expect with a Porsche.

4. Step

Examination on the lift (e.g. condition of your tyres, brakes, and radiator, aerodynamic parts, exhaust system, suspension, shock absorbers, axles, engine area).

Because your safety is our highest priority.

Advantages at a Glance

Porsche - Reliability


Porsche - Reliability


Greater reliability through quick and on time service provision without any surprises.

Porsche - Transparency


Porsche - Transparency


Greater transparency through joint fault diagnosis and price calculations in advance.

Porsche - Level of Competency

Level of Competency

Porsche - Level of Competency

Level of Competency

Higher level of competency through comprehensive advice and reliable repairs.

Porsche - Security


Porsche - Security


Greater security through knowing that your Porsche is in good hands.

Porsche - Quality


Porsche - Quality


Better quality through Porsche genuine parts and Porsche Service.

Porsche - Individuality


Porsche - Individuality


As individual as our customers. If you do not have enough time for a direct dialogue bay, your service advisor will perform a comprehensive check and contact you. This way, you will be well-informed about the condition of your Porsche and know the cost of service or repair in advance.


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Additional Offers

Porsche Tequipment Genuine Accessories
Porsche Tequipment Genuine Accessories
Porsche Classic
Porsche Classic