Extended warranty for transfer gear Macan model year 2014 - 2018

Extended warranty for the transfer gear on Porsche Macan model year 2014 - 2018.

What is it all about?

Dirty transmission oil can cause a stick-slip effect on the internal disc pack in the transfer gear over the service life of the vehicle. This will interrupt traction in the transfer gear on the Macan model year 2014 - 2018. This interruption in traction can be perceived as jerking or longitudinal vibration during acceleration.

What will Porsche do?

Porsche will extend the warranty for the transfer gear on the Macan model year 2014 - 2018.
The extended warranty is free of charge and lasts for a period of seven years as from the new vehicle delivery date, irrespective of the total mileage of the vehicle. All other warranty terms and conditions remain unchanged.

What should you do?

No further action is required at this point in time.
The extended warranty will appear automatically in the warranty system in each Porsche Centre and will be transferred automatically to the next owner.