Buying and owning Your Porsche
OverviewWhat to expect as you research, personalise and buy your Porsche .
Making Your ChoiceResearching your car, face to face.
Placing Your OrderDeposit, finance options, Inside Track.
Personalising Your Porsche Invitation to the Porsche Experience Centre, Personalisation, Preparing your car.
Collecting Your Porsche Collection from your Porsche Centre.
Reassurance from Porsche How Porsche can help to ensure your ownership runs as smoothly as possible; Guarantees, Warranties and Porsche Assistance.
Porsche Centre ServicesService work and annual checks, tyre fitting, body repairs.
Experience Porsche Porsche Experience Centre, Porsche Travel Club, Porsche Lifestyle, Porsche Club, Porsche Motorsport, Christophorus Magazine.