Porsche - Karim Sekkat

Karim Sekkat

Personal Information

  • Driver: Karim Sekkat
  • Birthplace: Kiel (Germany)
  • Birthdate: 10.07.1970

2024 Racing Details

  • Race No.: 3
  • Category: Clubsport Am
  • Team: Breakell Racing
  • Main Sponsor: Oxford Engineering
Social Media Details
Racing Career Highlights
Second Moroccan driver in 5 out of 6 criteria on Worldwide Driver database (6 out of 6 for active racing drivers).
Third in GT5 Pro 2023 Championship, until car issues on the last round gave me 0 points.
2020 and 2022
Runner up and third in GT5 Am Championship
Other Information
Any pre race rituals?
Focus, visualisation and shadow boxing. After putting my helmet on: it's all about going zen.
Favourite circuit and why
Silverstone GP where I enjoyed my first win and where I was there as an F1 spectator. It's also my "home" track and one I often see while skydiving at Hinton!
Dream car
Porsche GT3R